Megan Thomas
Content Creator

After completing a Commercial Music degree in Bath, Megan developed a new passion for marketing and promotion. She enjoyed 3 years of gigging, recording and writing but decided it was time for a change. A love for travelling turned into writing about her trips and videoing content whilst away, Megan decided creating content is what she wanted to do full-time, and after attending a Marketing Masters course she then came across Crew and Concierge.

Having no prior knowledge of the yachting industry, Megan is getting to know a whole new world and enjoys learning more every day. Her primary focus is to support the team by finding more jobs and candidates whilst putting Crew and Concierge’s voice out there. She spends most of her time creating content for our 3 main social media channels which includes keeping you all aware of what the team are up to. Her aim is to grow Crew and Concierge's database and platforms and her favourite part of the job is involving the team in TikTok videos and exploring her creativity with new ideas.

Outside of work Megan still enjoys singing and playing music but she is also a swimming teacher at her local leisure centre. She has a passion for Dance and attends salsa lessons every week.
+44 (0) 7468426705